International Energy Agency (IEF) is an international non-governmental organization (NGO), and making non -profit, non-political group of scientists, researchers, engineers and others, from all over the world, and the pooling of resources and work together.

Our mission is to facilitate the exchange of research and technology, with particular emphasis on developing countries to strengthen capacity building of human resources in all the areas of energy and the environment.

International Energy Forum is interested in how best to encourage more cooperation across a wide range of interests and raise awareness of the value only help generate greater confidence and economic reconstruction, but also help to produce, transport and energy conservation, and sustainable development, and environmental protection.

We intend in the International Energy Forum to work closely with their counterparts in other countries, people and organizations to learn new techniques and processes. We'll see how different ways have worked in practice. By identifying examples of good practices, and we will benefit from the experiences of others in the modernization of our networks to allow developments faster and at a lower cost.

It is believed the IEF strongly that we need to involve all stakeholders, to exchange ideas and knowledge through formal and informal channels to play a major role in promoting the network integration in the heart of the Energy Community.

  • Non-political.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGO).
  • Non-profit
  • Established in 1989.
  • Interested in how best to transport, energy conservation and the environment.
  • We organize conferences, seminars, exhibitions and training workshops.
  • We are dealing with energy and the environment in the broadest sense.
  • We are holding consultations and research works.

The main objectives

  • To promote forums for discussion and dissemination of information and generation.
  • To promote the objectives and scientific purposes.
  • To disseminate knowledge through seminars, publications and other media.
  • To enhance capacity building in the field of human resources in all the areas of energy and the environment.
  • It provides scholarships for the education of students.
  • Management Outstanding Achievement Awards.
  • To recommend and promote energy levels of production and consumption and preserving the environment.


  • The Board of Directors of one of eleven members.
  • CEOs: Committee: chairman, vice chairman and treasurer.
  • Standing Committee: finance, membership, education and training, scholarships and prizes, publicity, promotion and research.
  • Chapters in various countries.


  • Contributions.
  • Donations.
  • Subscriptions.
  • Aid and grants
  • Membership fees.